Sleepy Time: My Experience with the HAUGSVÄR Mattress

Sleep is so important and an often overlooked aspect of health in my younger years. Now that I have raised a couple of kids past the age I expected to get woken up regularly, I decided to find a mattress that allowed me to get some truly good sleep.

After checking out various mattresses that friends like and looking at the different types of mattresses (foam, spring, etc…) I found what I think is the perfect mix. Did I find it online? nope. how about at a mattress superstore? Nope. I found it at IKEA.

My new mattress that I sleep so well on is the HAUGSVÄR spring and memory foam hybrid mattress. I didn’t even know about the hybrid option until I started looking for a new mattress. The memory foam by itself felt like it absorbed my body a little too much for my liking and the springs always wear out and get “pokey” when the mattress ages. This mattress is great because the springs are on the bottom for support and the memory foam is on the top for comfort. See this for example:

This is essentially what most hybrid mattresses will look like. One thing to note when shopping for any mattress that has memory foam on the top is not to only sit on the bed to check the firmness. The memory foam will feel soft when pressure is applied to a small spot but once you lay on the mattress it will be a better test of how firm or soft the mattress is with your weight distributed.

The Deal Dad
The Deal Dad